## version $VER: DirSSCompare.catalog 1.0 ($TODAY) ## language XXXX ## codeset 0 MSG_USRCANCELED ; User canceled.\n MSG_SAMEDIR ; SourceDir and DestDir is the same Dir !\n MSG_ITSALL ; \nIt's all.\n MSG_NOFILE ; * No file >> \"%s\"\n MSG_NODIR ; * No dir >> \"%s\"\n MSG_DIFFSIZES ; ** File \"%s\" is smaller (%d bytes) then \"%s\"\n MSG_DIFFSIZEL ; ** File \"%s\" is bigger (%d bytes) then \"%s\"\n MSG_DIFFS1 ; **** There is %d difference in file >> \"%s\"\n MSG_DIFFS2 ; **** There are %d differences in file >> \"%s\"\n MSG_CHECKING ; --> Checking \"%s\" MSG_WRONGSARG ; Wrong arguments.\n MSG_UNABLEOPENLIBS ; Unable to open libs.\n MSG_UNABLETOLOCK ; Unable to lock \"%s\" !\n MSG_ERROR ; \n\nERROR\n\n MSG_ERRORFILE ; Error reading file.\n MSG_NOMEM1 ; Unable to alloc mem for buffer1.\n MSG_NOMEM2 ; Unable to alloc mem for buffer2.\n MSG_BUFFERON ; BUFFER ON\n\n MSG_BUFFEROFF ; BUFFER OFF\n\n MSG_SOURCEASLTITLE ; Select source dir MSG_DESTASLTITLE ; Select dest dir MSG_SHOWTIME ; \nTime >> MSG_USAGE ; \n\nUSAGE: DirSSCompare [destdir] [options]\n\n MSG_OPTIONS ; OPTIONS:\n MSG_USEBUF ; Use files' buffer (much speed up)\n MSG_QUESTION ; FILES' BUFFER MSG_BUTTONS ; ON|OFF MSG_ASLERROR ; Unable to open \"asl.library\".\n